
Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Staying cool in the summer heat

[visual description: A man and a woman sitting on a motorcycle are shown wearing cool zone vests.]

My late friend Cindy who had MS and I had one thing in common - we both overheated in the summer. I know that because some disabilities cause difficulty in manintaining body temperature, there are folks who skip outside activities.

However, she taught me about vests that you can wear which keep your body temp in the 50's for hours and allow you to enjoy doing things outside even in the heat. These vests are wonderful for all day activities and also for seniors (or anyone) who have difficulty with the heat - or may. It's great protection to keep your day from being interrupted by heat stroke.

I've linked to a site that has Cool Zone vests above (if you click you'll enter the cool zone) so you can check it out.

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