
Saturday, September 2, 2006

Extreme rehab for Iraqi vets...

Vets wounded in the war are using an "extreme" approach to rehab themselves after serious above to read about it.


Rosemary said...

That's a powerful article, to say the least. It's definitely true that people are being saved, with disabilities, who would have died years ago. That's bound to increase the handicapped population, not just from war injuries, but from accidents and diseases as well. Medicine has always made great advances from what they've learned during wartime. May such work be an unexpected blessing from this horrible tragedy in the Middle East.


Anonymous said...

Those of us who have disabilities know that much can be done , with the proper resources, to improve quality of life after disability. "Extreme" rehab can be a great aid for people who are focusing on what they cannot do instead of what they can - which is normal after a catastrophic injury. It is a life changing experience to find activities that you can do - and can lead to the self confidence to be more productive.