
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Than Just a Game (2007)

A docu-drama about political prisoners of apartheid who play soccer, this film portrays those imprisoned where Nelson Mandela was held on Robben Island. It is a sports film that is about survival, an attempt to live with dignity for those who were fighting for a just cause and lost their freedom. FIFA has endorsed this film, produced by Anant Singh, whose films include Sarafina, Cry the Beloved Country, Red Dust, I Capture the Castle and the Oscar-nominated Yesterday. An interview with him can be found at the above link.

When asked about what Mandela would think about the film, he replied:

Mr. Mandela would certainly approve and enjoy the film as it tells the story of football on Robben Island, an island he spent 27 years on. There is a scene in the film where the communal prisoners see their political leaders in the B Section (the isolation cells for the influential political prisoners such as Nelson Mandela) while playing football and begin interactions with them. When the authorities found out that Mr Mandela and others were watching the games, they built a wall to stop these interactions.

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