
Friday, December 4, 2009

It's the character you show when no one is looking that matters

A new piece by Mark Smith over at Wheelchair Junkie, called Shooting Hoops in the Rain, talks about the difference between being "inspirational" while in the limelight - and how you cope with the private struggles in living with a disability. An excerpt is below- the rest can be read at the link.

Again, our true character is proven when no one is looking. It’s easy to accept disability when someone is telling you that you’re an inspiration. Yet, it’s a far more honest reality – dare I say, brutal reality – when it’s just you, in your kitchen, struggling with all your might for twenty minutes to open a beverage. How do you feel in those circumstances? Are you heroic for yourself, or do you become quickly discouraged and defeated, crumbling into a ball of self-pity?

If you’re playing your disability A-game, you should feel more energized and inspired when facing private struggles than if you were on television with millions of people applauding you for your inspiration. See, when you have the tenacity and dedication to tackle a personal challenge with all of your might when no one’s applauding – because you only want the self-satisfaction of giving life your all – that’s the character that true heroes and champions possess.

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