
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

On the road again

I was driving on the highway yesterday in my van. It still has the "new used car" stickers plates etc. on it and is clearly marked as a converted van, with access ramp signs on the sides and back. (It helps when I park so no one blocks me in.)

All of a sudden I heard honking and looked over at a truck next to me.

The driver was holding up a sign that said

Disabled vet.

I nodded and waved at him. Then he held up another sign that said

Congrats on your van!

Geeze, is the disability community cool or what?


Pilgrim said...

Some days it's cooler than other. . . . this must be one of the cool ones.

Courageous Grace said...

Only one thing disturbs me about this post and perhaps you can clear it up...

Was he driving and writing at the same time or were you parked?

Congrats on your new van, by the way. I'm so glad to hear about it and I know this means a lot to you.

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

what a cool day, glad you are out and about.

Ruth said...

Thanks Greg. CG- We were at a red light.

Julana- yep, some days are cooler than others, you're right!

Courageous Grace said...

Whew, good to know. I see some people do some crazy stuff around here (like yesterday there was a woman driving with three kids in her back seat and one of them was STANDING in his seat, none of them were in booster seats, and all of them looked under the age of five, the one that was standing looked about 2 or 3).

Anyway, I am so happy for you and I hope you are doing well. If you ever come down to TX (DFW area) let me know. God bless!