
Monday, May 11, 2009

Darwinism reversed: natural selection favors slower snails

How many times when I was in a manual wheelchair, pushing more slowly because of paralysis in my arms, I heard people tell me to get out of the way? Going slower is like a sin in certain parts of the country, especially in the NY metro region. The gestures, the facial contortions, the absolute frustration it caused whenever I went slower was a sight to behold.

So how ironic it is to find out that natural selection is favoring snails with slower metabolisms. A study, which was quite easily done apparently because a biologist said it was easy to recover the dead "because of their shells and because they did not move more than a couple of metres each year" , shows that the 'energetic definition of fitness" theory "predicts that animals that spend less energy will have more surplus for survival and reproduction,"


They found size did not predict which animals survived. But metabolic rate did, with surviving snails having a metabolic rate 20% lower than that of the snails that didn't survive. And the lower each snail's metabolic rate, the greater its chance of survival. That means that nature is selecting for snails that are more energy efficient, says Nespolo.

So check it out, my friends. Being more energy efficient is what counts in the long run. But still - they need to figure out if having a slow metabolism is linked to moving slowly. Which would be great to know, the next time someone gets mad at you if you're on a cane, crutches, wheels, etc. You could tell the irate person about the "energetic definition of fitness" and how natural selection favors lower metabolic rates.

So slow down.


FridaWrites said...

I like this. People also get aggravated at me in some places where I have to go slowly for safety and comfort. Since survival of the fittest means the most fitted/suited for that environment, not the most physically fit, there are some ways in which we may have an advantage.

william Peace said...

Oh no, this news as an uptight, aggressive, and speedy New Yorker is bad! Seriously, I was struck that you went to slow in a manual wheelchair while I go too fast. What do my fellow New Yorkers think of this? Well, they like my speed as much as they liked you being slow. We cannot possibly win.

Ruth said...

seeing disability as an advantage- and definitely as not a negative -yeah, I agree that's the kind of change we need to be open to see as a society.

Yep, when I switched to a power chair, I found out speed that wasn't to everyone's liking either. Oh well.

sanabituranima said...

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

By Wm. Henry Davies.

Ruth said...

what a lovely addition to the post :) thank you.

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

I wish people would just get out of my way sometimes in my power chair, I think how slow and these people walk?

Maybe I should start giving them dirty looks, would that be a switch... lol

My chair goes 7 1/2 miles per hour they would have a hard time keeping up with me.

Ruth said...


7 1/2 miles/hour? That's fast!