
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baby squirrel hits a wall - and students help

In this video, UCLA students help a baby squirrel get over a wall - creatively.

This video is captioned, but not narrated. It shows an adult squirrel trying to help a baby squirrel over a high wall on campus. After attempts are unsuccessful, a student places his backpack next to the wall but the baby squirrel runs away. After returning, the baby still can't get high enough. Another student stacks up items which the baby squirrel climbs to get up and over.

h/t Twitter


FridaWrites said...

I emailed this to Elizabeth. Interdependence, not independence. :)

Full Tilt said...

This was great for precisely the reason FridaWrites points out. Thanks!

sanabituranima said...

This reminds me of a story I heard recently. This guy I know was walking in a park with his little son, and they saw a squirrel sitting in a rubbish bin (presumably foraging for food). The boy pointed and said "why would somebody throw away a perfectly good squirrel away?"