
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sibling support

There's a great interview of Don Meyer in DisabilityScoop about siblings of children and adults with disabilities, called Inside the World of Siblings. There's a link to send questions to him.

Here's an excerpt:

Disability Scoop: What should parents remember when it comes to raising siblings?

Don Meyer: There is a paper we have called What Siblings Would Like Parents and Service Providers to Know. That outlines many concerns that sibs have, but when I talk about sibling issues I talk about them having unique concerns but I also talk about the unique opportunities. I’m of the belief that sibs have as many unique opportunities as they do concerns.

Visit the Sibling Support Project for more help and information. You will find information for SibNet list serve there, where siblings can connect with other sibs for support.

Don Meyer, the director of the Sibling Support Project, has a new book coming out in May 2009 entitled Thicker Than Water, Essays By Adult Siblings of People with Disabilities. It's available for pre-order on amazon.

He is also a speaker and has written and edited five other books.

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