
Friday, May 23, 2008

38th Disability Blog Carnival: Spirituality and Disability

I invite all my readers to go over to visit the disability blog carnival about spirituality and disability held over at Ryn's Tales.

There are many posts addressing different topics of interest to all of us, written by people with disabilities, parents of kids with disabilities and allies, folks who read and share along. I've had readers ask me if they are an ally- to which I usually reply "If you're reading this, usually the answer is 'yes' ". Much learning goes on, which is two way. As Kathryn writes in her beautiful opening to the carnival:

I can never separate the experience of being a mother with that of being a mother of a child with disability. I don't know what it is like to parent anyone else but Ellie. But this experience in all is magnitude has helped me unfold as a soul. I am more patient than I was before, I am happier than I was before Ellie, and I am way, way less ignorant about disablism. Because I was ignorant about it all before and I am still learning. In this carnival I learned that the term "confined to a wheelchair" is pejorative. Many of you out there are saying, Duh!. But I am being honest here - now that it's in front of me, I get it, but it wasn't something I realized until someone put it in my face. Hence the beauty of the Disability Blog Carnival.

Please join us.

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