
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Health and your disability: Staying hydrated

The people I know with spinal cord injuries who maintain good health talk a lot about the need to drink enough water and stay hydrated. One of my friends who is a quad uses a device called Drink-Aide, which can be attached to a wheelchair and allows a high level quad to drink independently. He sent me a link to this product. He's bought a few and keeps one on his wheelchair and one near his bed so he can always have hands-free water available.

Designed by people with disabilities, this product was recently re-designed to a 28 oz size. Its cost is $42 plus shipping and can be ordered via the website above.

"Drink-Aide was designed, tested and produced by people with physical disabilities at Inglis House in Philadelphia, PA. Perhaps the greatest benefit of Drink-Aide is the newfound freedom. It provides freedom from caregivers, freedom for a person with a disability to travel beyond a room or a building, and the freedom to socialize outside, especially during the summer."-via their site

[visual description: A man in a wheelchair is shown facing to the right. Attached to the back of his wheelchair is a large black sports bottle with a long flexible straw that reaches across his chest to beneath his chin.]


Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

I have used one every day for the past six years. I think it's a fantastic product!

Ruth said...

Greg - thanks for taking the time to leave your impressions of the product. I'm always more comfortable getting something after getting opinions from pwd who use them...