
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Me, the Rabble Rouser :On the radical idea of giving rides to people to Mass...

[visual description: cover page of comic book entitled Rabble Rouser showing a superhero in a green suit amidst a crowd with the red suited Human Torch (in flames) superhero next to him.]

Yesterday, Janet pointed out that I was in good company as a rabble rouser. I really appreciated her perspective on that. Thanks.

I find it extremely sad that positing an idea that would help people get to church would set off such a negative reaction. Maybe it's become radical to think of sharing the inside of one's vehicle with - egads - another human being. Perhaps that's only do-able when using those special commuter lanes on a highway to get in the right lane.

But let's remember back to high school - and college. When everyone didn't have cars and giving rides was just part of being a friend. I remember going to drive in theaters (yes that dates me) with a car full of friends. It was kind of fun giving rides. Gives you a chance to know someone better. It's a green thing to do - same gas, more people. And you are helping someone out.

Title raised some practical issues in her post below entitled Rides to Mass , including: some people with disabilties cannot get in/out of high vehicles like SUV's (others can, it depends on the disability); sometimes you may need to lift a wheelchair or walker into your car; you need to be clear about scheduling and frequency of rides and sharing gas expenses. As for the person with a disability, communicating about these issues is part of your responsibility as well. Explain clearly what your needs are before you accept a ride, especially if you require help getting in/out of the car or with your equipment. Ask around for backup rides or alternate rides as well. Try not to turn the offer of a ride to Mass into a ride to the grocery store or your aunt in Poughkeepsie. You know what I mean.

It's helpful to deal with these practical issues the first time you talk to each other about the arrangement. That will minimize miscommunications.

Rabble rouser. Yeah it fits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have reminded you of what you already knew, but temporarily forgot! Keep up that radical work of Jesus.
