
Saturday, March 31, 2007

California woman protests home where developmentally disabled women live by posting dozens of accusatory signs - since 2004

"Along her street, Waltz has posted dozens of signs -- written in red -- saying such things as "get out!", "your wife and kids are potential rape victims" and "sexual inappropriate fire-setter facility" with an arrow pointing toward the group home where a handful of women with developmental disabilities live.

Officials say that none of the women are sexual offenders and present no danger to their community.

Now, California's Department of Fair Employment and Housing, at the recommendation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, is investigating whether Waltz' ongoing protest violates federal fair housing laws that prohibit discrimination based on disability."

This has been going on since 2004.

Via Inclusion News Daily


Adoro said...

I can tell you who's really "disabled" in this scenario...and it sure isn't the people this very confused woman is harassing.

How sad, especially given that it has gone on for so long.

Ruth said...

I can't even imagine the tension this has caused in the neighborhood - and the negativity.