
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Advocacy, Anger and - Humility?

Without humility, there is no way of conquering anger.
– St. John Climacus

I learned years ago that anger, although it can be a useful emotion at times, fuels a great deal of negativity if I don't know how to let go of it. Because I do work that involves negotiating with people and dealing with conflict, I had to learn how to handle anger both in a work setting and also in my "off time".

Seeing injustices toward vulnerable people is a difficult way to spend one's time. I can't say that I get "used to it" when dealing with situations where someone is mistreating a person I am trying to advocate for. However there are times when the story I am told does not match the true facts and the other party is not in the wrong. The reality is that I constantly need to reassess my own position on things and not allow myself to be ruled by my feelings. This can be a tall order sometimes.

I developed a trick that works well whenever I feel angry and find it lingering. I go to God, pray for guidance to do what is best and to let go of anger that may block me from working out the best solution. The humility is both in admitting that I am in danger of losing my perspective at the times when my anger is my dominant reaction and that I am open to solutions other than those I may have considered.

I would never want to completely lose a sense of feeling anger when I see injustices. It's a valuable signal to any of us at times. It helps us protect ourselves - and others. But we all have experienced losing our temper and handling a situation badly. That reaction doesn't help any one - and can often cause more harm.

As an advocate I know there is an emotional cost to the work I do. It is one I am willing to pay - but not willing to inflict on others. So I also pray to let go of anger that may seep into my personal relationships in my "off" hours. Some days I fail at this and find myself apologizing to someone. But this has happened much less often since I turned to God for help. There is no switch in us to turn on and off the feelings that arise from doing advocacy work. Asking for help and support with this from God as well as a few trusted friends is both useful and wise.

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