
Sunday, October 29, 2006

MP3 player - in the shape of a cross?

A company has manufactured an MP3 player - it's black and shaped like a cross. It's called the Saint B.


Rosemary said...

You need to see what Gadget World, another BLOG VILLAGER, has to say about this player. It might surprise you. They're down for maintenance today, but maybe you can catch them sometime soon.

Rosemary said...

Looks like Gadget World is down and has been hijacked. I've written the owner, but no response.

He was not at all happy with this cross, considering the types of music that most would be listening to out of it. He considered it to be anti-Christian, noting the Black and Red colors it came in as appropriate to Satan worshipers.

Ruth said...

I wasn't able to read what he wrote but I get the gist from your comments. I haven't seen anyone else posting about it yet.