
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Interpreters - Masses for the Deaf

If you google "Catholic" and "deaf" you will find many parishes and dioceses that now provide interpreters in order that deaf Catholics may be included at Mass. As one deaf parishioner said "I hear that Father's homilies are very good. It would be nice to know what he is saying!"

Do any parishes in your diocese offer interpreters for Masses for the deaf? If not, perhaps there is a call to service to some readers!


Anonymous said...

My sister is deaf. She goes to Mass but gets frustrated because she doesn't like it when she doesn't know what's going on. I'm going to talk to her about this idea. Maybe our parish could offer a Mass like this and other deaf people might come.



Ruth said...


You might want to check around your diocese and see whether any other parishes offer Masses for the deaf. I've noticed while googling this that there are a lot of Catholic churches around who already have interpreted Masses -one thing I need a volunteer for is to find if there is a compiled list already or if we could put one together so people could access that and see where the Masses are available. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

My best to you and your sister,

Anonymous said... has listings for Texas churches and just added information on Florida.