
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Navigating the life that follows a spinal cord injury

Alli Lozoff writes about her uncle Bill, who lived with quadriplegia for over fifty years and was an artist- her fond memories of spending time with him and getting to know him. She mentions two young athletes in the area who recently acquired spinal cord injuries.

She speaks about friends who drifted away from Bill after his accident at a young age, even though some had his art work. I've seen this happen, far too often, in others' lives and in my own to some degree. Her words for the next generation at the end of this piece touched me and I wanted to share it here.

... I couldn't help wondering why they hadn't stayed in touch. It's remarkable that he touched their lives deeply; I only wish they had thought to touch his as time went by. Surviving accidents like this, and caring for those who have, can be a lonely, scary, infuriating experience.

No one can know who Bill would have become had he not been injured. The person he did become was funny, complicated, interesting and talented. I am still grieving his loss, and the multiple tragedies he endured, and the overall unfairness of his situation. But I am forever grateful that I knew and loved him, that I saw the world through his eyes on occasion, and that he may have served as a source of courage for others facing obstacles.

I hope the outpouring of support and interest in Jablonski and Privette continues, and that those who know them now continue to know them as time goes on.

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