
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Would you please move your van over so I can park illegally ?

So here's a new one.

A guy asked me to move my van (although it was parked legally within the blue lines) so he could park in the hash tags after I exited my van. I told him that parking in the hash tags is illegal. Undeterred he told me that he did it all the time and he has handicap plates. I repeated it's illegal because it blocks van users from getting in and out. Then he assured me that blocking me in wasn't an issue. And it isn't - for him.

Hash tags are not an extra parking spot.


DJ Charlie said...

Around my area they don't ask. They just do it.

I've seen up to 4 cars all crammed in together parked sideways in a single van space, usually all with NO handicapped tags! And with broken mirrors and scrapes down their sides.

Ruth said...

I know what you're saying. They do that here too, so much so that if I can just park at the end of an aisle I will so I won't have to deal with the hassle of being blocked in.

Unknown said...

"Hash tags are not an extra parking spot" - AMEN!!!

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Carl Thompson said...

What nerve to even ask!

NC Conch said...

A local mall has no parking signs in front of the hashes. We are about to be free of the van access spots. Our wheelchair/ramp van recently died and we are replacing it with a backdoor ramp van.

Jeff & Sheri said...

WE have this issue all the time! It's rude and selfish of those drivers and yet they don't care. We just blogged about this recently too. Our new hobby is calling the police and getting them ticketed. ;)