
Friday, February 18, 2011

I see land- ho!

As the snow disappears, the landscape I use to get around returns. I discovered years ago when I first started to use a wheelchair that a map began to form in my head of where there was and wasn't access.

That map changed when I began to use a power chair instead of a manual one. It also changes in winter when street corners, curb cuts and sidewalks as well as accessible parking become impassable in some places.

This winter that was true of most places.

Someone once said those of us in wheelchairs are social pioneers. We venture out anyway despite conditions. We encounter obstacles. We are not only resourceful, but adventurous.

But it would be nice to be able to get rid of those maps, to know that the promised access of curb cuts and accessible parking and sidewalk access would be there during winter months.

It makes for a long journey when it's not.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ruth, not sure how to contact you, but this looked like something of interest to your readers:

Click on "submissions" to see the submission guidelines. New mag, so no issues out to see what it is like. But looks promising.

[Found it via one of Hope Clark's _Funds for Writers_ newsletters.]


Ruth said...

Thanks for sending this along. Looks very interesting!