In the spirit of all that was, is and ever shall be my dear Buddy, loveable, fluffy guy that he was, I adopted a rescue kitty through Animal Allies. He's about a year old and was abandoned by his owners when they moved.
I've named him Riley. As you can see in his pictures, he's a tabby with white and has large green eyes. Of course his eyes aren't quite open in that photo since he just woke up from a nap.
Riley is fitting right in. He's a bit of a couch potato, giving cat toys the obligatory shove to make me happy, but not really into it yet. Maybe once he settles in more. He likes listening to stories. Mostly he wants to sit in my lap.
And that's fine by me.
Hello, beautiful Riley!
thanks, Katja :)
Well, helloooo there! Gorgeous, gorgeous.
Hope you 2 have a lot of fun together.
He's living the life of Riley now!
Disability Movies - He sure is LOL
thanks WCD :)
he is a great looking boy, congrats
thanks so much, Greg
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