
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Living with Spina Bifida: Abigail

Abigail talks about living with spina bifida, the importance of her family and reaching for goals.

If you have a child with disabilities and would like to find out more about adaptive sports, check out We Push Sports.


FridaWrites said...

That playground is by our home. Though able bodied, my children are unable to go with me there because there's a 5-inch step to get into the playground that they haven't leveled out. It was built in 1998--no excuse. The wood chips are also difficult to navigate. Dreams and memories (we used to go there several times a week) even for able-bodied kids can disappear when there's lack of accessibility. My mother-in-law even works for the city and changes.

I wish her success with her swimming. It is also difficult to find accessible pools around here.

Ruth said...


It can be hard to find accessible places to go together with your family. I do have a link to find boundless playgrounds near you

but have been thinking of trying to collect information about where to find accessible pools, etc. to post over at We Push Sports.

FridaWrites said...

Thank you--I will take them to one of these if not the San Antonio one when we can travel. But their friends are that one and we miss being able to stop by regularly while we're doing other errands.