
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sen. Kennedy to be awarded Medal of Freedom

Sen. Ted Kennedy will be awarded the Medal of Freedom today, the highest civilian honor in our country. His daughter, Kara Kennedy, will be on hand to accept the award for him in Washington DC. He is presently mourning the loss of his sister, Eunice and balancing his work with treatments for cancer.

Held in high affection by colleagues, Sen. Kennedy is missed.

A lot of times I've asked myself, 'What would Teddy do?' " said Sen. Chris Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat who is filling in for his friend at the helm of the Senate's health committee. In the Senate, Kennedy "is one of the pillars," said former senator John Warner, a Virginia Republican who retired last year. via

Other 2009 recipients include
Desmond Tutu, Stephen Hawking, Billie Jean King, Mary Robinson, Sidney Poitier , Nancy Goodman Brinker, Pedro Jose Greer, Jr., Jack Kemp, Rev. Joseph Lowery, Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow, Harvey Milk, Sandra Day O'Connor, Janet Davison Rowley, MD, Muhammad Yunus and Chita Rivera.

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