
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hostels and way stations

I was reading about hostels this morning in the travel section, touted as a cheap way to travel and not be lonely. It left me smiling from memories of the cross country trip I took after college with a Dutch friend I met at a camp where we were both counselors.

We stayed at a hostel near the Rockies in Denver, Colorado run by nuns. The nuns were wonderful hosts. They asked the guests to do a few chores and provide their own breakfast and lunch (a refrigerator to store your food in was available), but did the laundry, cleaning, cooked dinner and provided tourist information and, at the same time spiritual sustenance and help to all the young (and not so young) people passing through for five dollars a night (or less if you didn't have it.) They had lists of doctors and bicycle repairmen. Their phone miraculously allowed anyone who was homesick to call home for free, back in the days when we all knew long distance cost money. Generous of heart and spirit, the nuns ran a hostel that provided an unforgettable experience of hospitality and community.

On top of that, one of the nuns really knew how to play a guitar. Every night, after a family style dinner, we all gathered in the front room and sang and shared stories of our mountain hiking. Hiking became a shared spiritual experience, which wasn't difficult considering the natural beauty of the Rocky mountain area.

So if there's a trip you can afford, but the hotel and meal costs put it over the top, don't hesitate to try a hostel experience. It's great for single travelers as well as couples and friends,especially if you go prepared to meet new people. Some have larger rooms to accommodate families. Just staying in the hostel provides you with the best guided tour of the area and local information.

[I also found a list of accessible hostels in the U.S. and Canada. There are probably more and it's worth researching which hostels to go to anyhow. See also The Hostel Handbook online and]

1 comment:

Ruth said...

A reader sent in this comment:

A couple of more great hostel booking sites, particularly in Catholic Pilgrimage destinations are: is owned by Instant World Booking:

Catholic Hotels |

Catholic Hostels |