
Saturday, January 31, 2009

I hab a cold

Nothing like stating the obvious, but I find trying to deal with kleenex one of the hardest things to do with my paralyzed arm and dexterity issues when I get a cold. When reaching up to blow your nose is problematic, I've had to learn to let gravity help in other ways.

A roll of toilet paper poised over my head and shoulder could be a solution, although there's no marketable device for it yet. Stringing a roll over something that looks like an IV stand on a base would work. Problem is with an active cat around, chances are the toilet paper would wind up around the room.

Then there's the side angle method, where laying down so my nose is level is helpful. That way I don't have to reach up to my face. That doesn't eliminate the problem with holding onto the kleenex though. And they don't make Kleenex on a String. Yet.

And this guy would totally disapprove of the ways I go about blowing my nose. He's got some tips about how to clear one nostril at a time, etc. but says nothing that's useful to someone with quadriplegia. Oh well.


Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

sorry your sick, hope you feel better soon!

Ruth said...

thanks Greg - I'm feeling better today!

FridaWrites said...

Colds suck! Your sinuses are probably in better shape if you're not blowing and honking like other people do, but that has to be frustrating. I used to go through a box of kleenex in a day or two during a bad cold or allergy flare. Hope it's all gone soon!

Ruth said...

Frida- thanks, I'm feeling MUCH better. I was fortunate that it only last a few days.