hat tip to F.R.I.D.A.
21 year old Micah (pictured at left outside a campus building) was told by Oakland University in 2007 that he could move into the dorm. OU took his deposit and confirmed his move in date, but he was later advised that there is an administrative policy prohibiting that. Micah has a cognitive disability and attends the school under the OPTIONS program.
The OPTIONS program was founded in fall 2007 by OU associate professor and associate dean of Education and Human Services Robert Wiggins. OPTIONS, which derives from Oakland University Post Secondary Transitions, is “designed to provide a fully inclusive, age appropriate post-secondary education experience for students with mild cognitive disabilities.”
Fialka-Feldman wants OU’s housing policy changed so that he and the other OPTIONS students would be allowed to live on campus. Even if it’s not on a permanent basis, he would at least like to see this happen on a trial basis so OU administrators can see how it works out and then decide whether or not to continue it.
via oaklandpostonline.com
Micah's fight is about being included in the community. Many students support his request to allow OPTIONS students live in the dorms.
Below is a clip of the November board meeting at OU. The Board will not meet again until February 2009.
Take Action!
. Spread the word to the media, to disability activists and concerned community members across the country.
. Please make comments after you view the You Tube videos
. Send the stories and articles to your local media friends.
. Get the story on CNBC, CNN, NPR, Oprah. It is time for national media coverage.
. Place the links on Face Book, on your favorite blog.
. Check out http://www.throughthesamedoor.com/
. Write Governor Jennifer Granholm at: P.O. Box 30013, Lansing, Michigan
You can reach Micah at:
Micah: micahff@aol.com
Rich and Janice: ruaw@aol.com
Ruth I can't believe I found you.
It's Penny from high school. I have read some of your blogs. You are providing a wonderful service to people here. I'd love to hear from you. If interested contact me at pedalbow@yahoo.com
as your page is dealing with diversity/ability-topics, we would love to inform you about or contest on the topic of inclusion.
We are trying to build an international database and discussion plattform for the various definitions of inclusion/inclusive education.
You can find more information at: http://www.definitely-inclusive.org/
We would be pleased if you would link definitely-inclusive.org on your web site, either by writing a post or using one of our banners:
Best regards and thank you for your support
Frank J. for the team of definitely-inclusive.org
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