
Monday, September 15, 2008

Democrats accept ADAPT platform, 8 arrested in McCain campaign hq, 3 outside

From Justice for All blog, American Assoc of People with Disabilities

This update from Bob Kafka, National Organizer of ADAPT (3:58 PM, ET):

Civil Rights done in a different way. 500 ADAPT activists have set up DUH City on the HUD Plaza in DC. WITHOUT A PLACE TO LIVE IT IS HARD TO GET A JOB. Low income people with disabilities are about 15 percent of medium income. ADAPT has developed a housing platform that they want Obama and McCain to endorse.

As I write this ADAPT activists are being arrested in Sen McCain's office as he refused to accept the platform. Earlier in the day DNC officials accepted the ADAPT Platform.

8 arrested in McCain Presidential Campaign Headquarters, 3 outside the Headquarters.


Community First!

[image description at left: ADAPT members hold a sign saying House Us with Dignity while standing in front of an American flag. A cameraman stands to the left holding a camera up in the opposite direction.
image description at right: Officers arrive to arrest and remove ADAPT protestors from Republican candidate McCain's headquarters in Virginia. One officer is next to a power chair, shown from the rear. Several other officers can be seen leaning down toward unseen wheelchair/scooter users.]

UPDATE : More arrests follow


Courageous Grace said...

I am curious, why were they arrested? Nothing I can find out about this explains what exactly they were doing that motivated police to arrest them. All I read is that they were arrested when McCain refused to accept the platform.

Something seems a bit fishy to me.

Ruth said...

The workers at the Republican presidential campaign headquarters asked police to arrest them for trespassing. 50 more protestors were arrested the next day.

Courageous Grace said...

Thanks, Ruth. That clears it up a bit. :D