
Friday, August 1, 2008

Texting: I'm right in front of you....

Texting. It's the in thing.

My phone lets me send texts by voice through a Nuance program- and after reading this article about texters who sustain injuries because they're not watching where they're going - maybe it would be a good add on feature for everyone.

I see this all the time around town, because people who are walking along, looking down and texting on their phones often almost run right into me as I roll along in my wheelchair. At the last minute they usually see the 150 pound behemoth of a power chair and step aside without looking up.

"Oh, sorry," is the most common response, if any. As they approach, I do say something, try to alert them but they're in their own little texting world. There's no breaking through it without, I suppose, sending them a text. Mere verbal utterances aren't going to penetrate.

Maybe they should wear their phone number. That way other pedestrians and motorists could send an alert when they're about to run into something- or someone.

But this is something I haven't seen yet - a motorcyclist texting as he , er, drives along...

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