
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Praying for lower gas prices

Literally. The Pray at the Pump group credits trekking to gas stations and leading groups in prayer to recent lower US gas prices. The group formed when seniors volunteering at a soup kitchen at the First Seventh Day Adventist Church in Petworth, outside of the US capital, discussed how higher gas prices meant they could no longer serve the people they were trying to help. They walked to a local Shell station and began praying. Since then, the group has traveled.

"We were down in Huntsville, Alabama. We finished praying," Mr Twyman said. "Immediately the owners came out and changed the gas prices. They brought it down. We had marvellous success down in St Louis, Missouri."

This week the group returned to the site of their first prayer meeting to celebrate. Singing "We shall overcome," they changed the words of the well-known hymn to "We'll have lower gas prices". via

In most cases, such as Friday, the prayers are welcomed. But when Twyman's group gathered outside the Saudi Arabian embassy, "the Secret Service was called on us," he said. via

Members have also changed their driving habits, car pooling more often.

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