
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Love You to Pieces, an anthology

Love You To Pieces: Creative Writers on Raising a Child with Special Needs by Suzanne Kamata includes pieces by numerous parents about raising children with autism, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy and other disabilities.

"Powerful, unflinching, and beautifully rendered, Love You to Pieces is not just an anthology about raising children with special needs, but true literature. Many parents will find moving depictions of a reality they know so well. Others with no knowledge of this world will find a literary experience they'll never forget."
—Rachel Simon, author of Riding the Bus with My Sister

"Love You To Pieces is groundbreaking. Our public discourse about disability is dominated by the voices of medical professionals and fix-your-child tomes. These stories elevate the experience of people with disabilities to the level of literature. Love You To Pieces bears witness to cognitive and physical difference as an essential and beautiful fact of human experience. It is a must buy book for anyone who parents, educates, or supports young people with disabilities."
—Jonathan Mooney, author of The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal

One of the contributors, Vicki Forman, is also a blogger whose son Evan recently passed away. There is an online tribute to her son, which allows folks to leave pictures of swings with flowers on them through Flickr, as shown in the photo.

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