
Monday, August 18, 2008

Huffington reports Pew results on news consumption

From the Huffington Post, a report that TV remains the top source of news:

Pew found that the largest group of news consumers _ 46 percent of those polled _ have a "heavy reliance" on television for their news at all times of the day. This group is the oldest, with a median age of 52, and least affluent, with 43 percent unemployed. They are unlikely to own a computer or go online for news.

Overall, among those who get some of their news from TV, fewer are watching the 6:30 broadcast network newscasts, and instead opting for cable news sources such as CNN or Fox News Channel.....The group that relies most on the Internet for news is the youngest at a median age of 35. .. and the shift among integrators online led to an overall decline in the percentage of people who said they read a newspaper the day before, to 34 percent from 40 percent two years ago, the researchers found.

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