So I go to the ATM machine this morning, which is always an act of faith. I can manage some of it, not much. Basically, a woman came along and she helped me out. Then she turned to me and asked "Do you know who I am?" and introduced herself as Christopher Reeve's mom. No, I hadn't recognized her.
I thanked her. She said no pr

This video is of a fountain and also took a picture of some flowers - for my homebound friends and all of those who have spunk, whether we can get around or not. God bless.
From one spunky girl to another -- I hope you have a good weekend, Ruth!
(I think I've been called "peppy" more than "spunky." But close enough.)
Thanks, BG, wishing you a good weekend too. I think the peppy comments have turned into "zoom zoom" jokes with me/my chair...
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