
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

God is bigger than your doubt

Place your finger into the wound
Oh doubting Thomas
God is bigger than your doubt
(Although I could do without
Constant questions )

If you must
Insert your entire hand

The wound is large enough
Has bled enough for you
(And you and you
Those whom my words now anger)

Can you see my face Thomas
Many cannot but will believe
Not touch but have faith
Not ask why but love each other

And yet I love you Thomas
And those like you who come to me

I see your tears Thomas
Hear your fears whispered in the night

Yet you stand before me
Your finger at the ready

Go on place it in the wound
I will forgive your anguished cry of surprise
Did you not see the women weep by my cross
Mourn my earthly death
Heed not my words that I would return

God is bigger than your doubt

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