
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Electric car technology...

currently requires that you plug a car in overnight to travel 50 miles. A new development allows a 500 mile trip on a 5 minute charge. This technology would make internal combustion engines unnecessary, according to one observer, if it works as claimed.

"EEStor's secret ingredient is a material sandwiched between thousands of wafer-thin metal sheets, like a series of foil-and-paper gum wrappers stacked on top of each other. Charged particles stick to the metal sheets and move quickly across EEStor's proprietary material.

The result is an ultracapacitor, a battery-like device that stores and releases energy quickly.

Batteries rely on chemical reactions to store energy but can take hours to charge and release energy. The simplest capacitors found in computers and radios hold less energy but can charge or discharge instantly. Ultracapacitors take the best of both, stacking capacitors to increase capacity while maintaining the speed of simple capacitors."

Click above to read the entire article.

Any application to mobility devices on the horizon?

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