
Friday, August 10, 2007

The resistance continues...

To the power chair. Those of you who read my blog know that I'm supposed to be using a power chair for my bilateral shoulder injury. So I ebayed, got one and the batteries promptly died.

After much procrastination I turned over the job of getting new batteries for my power chair to Meredith realizing that, left up to me, the task wouldn't happen any time soon. So she called, made the arrangements and yesterday new batteries were installed and the chair is back in use. (I shouldn't have picked her - she's way too efficient!)

Physically I felt immediate relief. I'm not particularly thrilled, wheelchair jock that I am, having to use a power chair. All I can think of is what it's doing to my muscles - whatever muscles I have left that I tried to keep pumped. On the other hand, being out of pain and being able to sleep and eat is rather nice.

But my cat Buddy is a mess. I mean it. He's clinging to me, hissing at me, standing in my way, and otherwise protesting my move to a power chair. This morning he tossed his cookies in the early morning hours - right in my bed. I think Buddy is having an 'adjustment reaction'. Maybe they need to do a study on pets' reactions to owners' equipment changes. If any pet therapist is interested, feel free to come work with Buddy. He could use all the help you can give.

The good thing for me is it distracts me from how I feel about it. RIght now he's clinging to my left leg, meowing like he used to do when he was a kitten. In fact, he wanders off for about a half hour, then returns and jumps into my lap for petting and reassurance, then goes away again. I'm wondering if he saw my manual wheelchair as part of me - and just thinks something is wrong - or if he's responding to the fact that I move around differently.

One friend told me he's picking up on my emotional cues and added "Poor Buddy. You really need to think of his feelings right now." Great. Should I feel guilty for hating the chair in front of a cat?

Well I'll give him extra petting and reassurance but I still hate the chair.

If you have to use a power chair, then this is the way I think they should be designed:

The Frontier X5 - you can use it outside and offroad -and inside. So many of the power chairs are limited to inside use - like the one I have. I mean what's worse than having a piece of equipment you can only use in your house? How depressing! No wonder we have a 30 per cent employment rate, folks....

[visual description: First photo shows a theater marquee with the words: Now Playing: Rebel without a Joystick. Second photo is a picture of the Frontier X5 wheelchair, a rugged looking chair with offroad tires.]


Anonymous said...

The choices in power chairs isn't enough. I like that one too it has features that every power chair should have but they go and raise the price so much that you can't get one.

Ruth said...

Very cool chair, isn't it? I also read about Albers Adventure (available in the UK) which you can use in the rain - imagine that.

Anonymous said...

My son ordered me one of those Hoveround chairs and I refused to use it. I don't blame you for wanting a wheelchair that will take you where you want to go and do what you want to. I'm 87 years old and still want to do that so why wouldn't young people who are disabled want that?

Ruth said...

Glad you understand! and thanks for visiting my blog.

As an update, I've learned that if I keep a bag of cat toys on my chair I can use those as distractions for the cat...ahhhh....

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you wrote about this! I have MS and go in and out of all kinds of equipment because my disability varies and it's very hard sometimes. I get what you're saying if that helps.

Really love your blog.


Elizabeth McClung said...

First - I laughed so hard I actually choked - so that's a compliment. I feel bad for you and for your cat in equal porportion - yet it is times that this that I really wish cats could talk and say; "I'm feeling really anxious and conflicted" instead of throwing up.

This looks like a good power chair, I guess, since I have a "power chair dread" that once in I will be too weak to get out. I am glad you are out of pain, please keep posting on the chair since I can you use as a canary; if the power chair doesn't dramatically alter your personality maybe it would be worth trying.

Ruth said...

Cheryl - thanks so much for stopping by. Changing equipment all of the time must be very hard. Have you used any power chairs?

Elizabeth - well Buddy and I have spent time bonding (knead knead that kind of thing) and he's doing better. I'm not exactly sure what else to do but reassure him that it's still me in this big black chair instead of my little titanimum one. The chair I got on ebay is a used Jazzy (not the one in the picture) and it runs well for indoor use.

As for me, I'm probably never going to change my personality (stubborn Irish! LOL) in any case I am out of pain.

Anonymous said...

Ruth- yes I have a power chair that's also made by Jazzy which I picked up on a loaner program. I guess I was lucky I didn't have to buy mine. Mine has Active Track Suspension to go outside and it's pretty new. See if you can find a newer Jazzy with that feature.


Wheelchair Dancer said...

Ahhh, the Jazzy.....

My cats were less than happy with the power chair thing for a while, too. It's too big and clumsy for them -- plus I suck as a user.

Hang in there,


Ruth said...

Cheryl- thanks for the information!

WCD - thanks - yeah I suck too but my "driving" skills are improving :)