
Sunday, August 12, 2007

The love of Christ impels us

"The Diocese of Iquique (Chile) will hold a Social Week August 11-18 in order to train “volunteers in each one of the organizations that are part of our social ministry.” The diocesan director of social ministry, Marcos Rojas, said, “Whoever feels the love of the Lord who saves us spring up in his heart, cannot remain unconcerned without responding.”
Via Catholic News Service

What a compelling phrase that calls us as Christians to action- the love of Christ impels us! Sometimes I think we forget what an Abundance the Holy Trinity provides us - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Not only have we seen Christ made man and seen God's love here on earth, but we have the Holy Spirit to guide us as we respond to the needs of those around us, both near and far. Some might respond to the plight of those in third world countries who need basic necessities - whether it's through sharing material goods and money or traveling overseas to give hands on help through organizations. Others respond to poverty or disaster here at home, such as Katrina. Others respond to those in their community.

One of the highest priorities in my life is to keep an open ear toward those who go unheard. Since I am in the disability community often I respond to people there. One thing I've learned is that I can't fully explain to others why, where or how the love of Christ impels me. Nor, do I think, He would want me to.

And what about all of those people who have acted upon the love of Christ to help me? I'd be here all day making a list! How could I choose not to respond after all the Love that's been shown to me in my life? When I read the Bible I often wonder if the lives of those who are touched by Christ can truly be explained in words because, to me, it seems that I often go straight toward prayer as I read about them. There seems to be a mystical connection in the very experience of reading the words which is far beyond my ability to understand or explain.

And, yes, I do think that the love of Christ impels me toward prayer as well. Prayer is another way to respond to the needs of others - and can accomplish much that I cannot in other ways.


Anonymous said...

This helped me. I was diagnosed with MS last week and have been reading blogs. Yours makes me feel as if I can go on. I'm a lapsed Catholic and haven't been to church in ages. I'd rather just read here for now but this was comforting.


Ruth said...

Welcome. I'm so glad you came by and left a comment! The diagnosis is still very new to you- and it's good that you're reaching out for support. There are other Catholic blogs and disability blogs as you'll see on my sidebar too and I hope you come back here often - very glad to have you.

Email me if you need anything at
