
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Gospel workshop for kids

Due to the drop in music training in many public schools ( California alone lost 27% of its music teachers between 1999 and 2004) -

"... the Washington Performing Arts Society, which brings internationally acclaimed artists to the city's top stages, stepped in, says president Neale Perl. It devotes $200,000 of its $1.2 million annual education budget to offer, free, the training that great singing requires.

For two weeks every July, the workshop offers vocal technique, musicality, gospel music history, songwriting and more. Many campers are members of the 110-voice Children of the Gospel choir, which is sponsored by the performing arts society. Others are newcomers who may audition for the choir this fall.
"We teach them that gospel music is theology and Scripture and an outcry of the soul. It connects the singer and the listener to what God can do, has done, will do, might do, in their lives," says gospel history teacher Emory Andrews.

Via USA Today

Click above to read the rest.

[visual description: Choir director Philip Carter leads the rehearsal of a group of young singers.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our church has a very active music program. One reason is that the schools fail to provide music any more and the kids miss it. This is a great way to bring their faith alive, do an intergenerational activity and express themselves at the same time. Great article.