
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Gimme a high five!

{Visual description: A number of lacrosse sticks are held up in the air tapping each other.}

This afternoon the high school lacrosse team paid me a visit. Well not really.

Apparently their cross training routine now includes running through the neighborhood and using their sticks to knock over garbage cans.

So I'm sitting here and suddenly I heard a few loud thuds outside. Being the curious quad that I am, I rolled to the front door only to find that my garbage cans had been knocked asunder. Oh dear. And as I looked toward the right, I could see a few stragglers from the high school lacrosse team running out of sight as they headed around the block.

I swear I saw a few of them giving each other a high five with those darn lacrosse sticks.

Now I'm no lacrosse player. There is no wheelchair lacrosse - yet. But I don't think the object of the game is to knock things over. I thought it was about getting the ball into the little net on the end of that stick they use and tossing it into a bigger goal at the end of the field.

So wanting to fulfill my civic duty to help improve the lacrosse team's playing skills, I decided to give them some real practice the next time they came around the block. I duct taped my tennis racket on, hauled out some tennis balls and as they approached a second time, shot some balls at them and nodded my head at the target - my garbage cans.

"See if you can hit that!" I said as I hit balls at each of them.

They missed. I suppose it did take them by surprise to see me out there in my wheelchair hitting tennis balls at them.But they clearly need more practice.


Anonymous said...

I would have loved to see their faces! They probably had all they could do not to trip over their sticks.

Anonymous said...

: )
