
Monday, February 26, 2007

Wheelchair stadium seating : Email question

Dear A.M.,
I received your email and I'm posting a picture of what some wheelchair stadium seating may look like. They usually reserve places in front of a rail and you just roll up there and park your wheelchair. The view is good at most places where I've been but, of course, it varies from stadium to stadium a bit. Last time I went to a ball game this able bodied guy kept trying to pretend he was with me because I had a great view from wheelchair seating - so -- my advice is to get tickets , go to the ball game and have a hot dog! By the way, go Phillies!

1 comment:

Edward said...

As you say, it varies by stadium. In the late, great Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, the handicap seating was substandard (at least for Pirates baseball, which was all I ever went there for). It was behind a grate beyond the right field wall. Thankfully, it's much improved in their new stadium, PNC Park. The seating I've experienced is generally above the last row along the first and third base lines on the lower deck - not the closest to the action, but you have generally unobstructed sight lines. I understand there are other wheelchair seating areas throughout the park; I might try some of those others this summer. I wish my Tigers were on the Pirates' schedule this year! (I'm a native Detroiter living in West Virginia, 1 1/2 hours south of Pittsburgh.)