
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Prayer request

In the spirit of the quote below, I'd like to share with permission an email exchange I've had with an amputee. Let's call him Tom.

Tom lost his legs as a result of an accident. He is married and has four children who are all under ten years of age. At the time of his accident, his employer let him go, leaving him without employment. Since Tom worked as an independent contractor, he paid his own medical insurance and could not afford to keep up the premiums so his policy lapsed.

By the time Tom emailed me, he was enraged, frightened and ashamed by all of this. Moreover, he was attempting to do rehab so that he could learn to walk on prosthetic legs.

Having been through some of these issues myself, I tried to help him redirect his anger into energy and found some wonderful people and resources for him so that his immediate needs and the needs of his family could be met.

Today Tom is doing much better. He has successfully found employment and received help with his medical bills. His children are well fed and clothed and warm.

He recently wrote me that it wasn't the loss of his legs that was the most difficult thing, but the financial, social and other consequences that ensued which affected his family.

He asked if I would ask my readers to pray for all of those dealing with these issues as a result of disability, including him.

I think that's a very good idea. Please pray for these folks.

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