
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fee fi fo fum -

I wish the flu season had come and gone.

Seems I picked up a type of flu the end of my trip and am still recuperating. I retreated to my room and have this vague recollection of people knocking on my door, sticking their heads in and asking me if I needed anything. And I would rouse myself enough to reply "Tea" or "kleenex" and then fall back asleep.

At one point I woke up and my friend Sue's guide dog Wonder was in the room with me. She kept coming over and snuggling me. It helped.

Janet the OT came into my room and talked me out of trying to be in the talent show, pointing out that I couldn't even get into my wheelchair at that point. I stubbornly insisted I could go on with the show. But in the end I was a no show.

Then someone stopped by and asked if I was going to the dance. I tried to raise myself out of bed, then just muttered "More tea." So much for that.

In the end, I felt fortunate that I was well enough to travel home on Sunday.

I know it was because of the loving care of all of my Ski for Light friends - and guide dogs. Thanks, everyone.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the flu. That can be miserable.

We had the norovirus at the monastery - that "stomach flu" that brings cruise ships back to port because it's so contagious the whole ship gets sick. In the end, more than half of the sisters were sick.

Now everyone is so scared of having another illness that they leap away from anyone who sneezes or coughs.

So - I'm glad you had folks to bring the tea. I hope you continue to mend.

Ruth said...

I remember reading about the norovirus - we were lucky this wasn't that! I'm feeling better every day - thanks for your well wishes!

Rosemary said...

It's a shame your nice trip had to end with the flu!! I'm glad you're feeling better, and it's good to see you posting again.

OK, now - I'm having a really hard time trying to imagine how someone in a wheelchair can cross country ski!! So how 'bout a little bit of an explanation, alright??

Ruth said...

Just go down a few posts where it says ski for light pictures and click on that - and you'll see the equipment that is used for skiing - it looks like a bucket over two pairs of skis! (It's good to be back- missed you!)

Ruth said...

db - OK I also just added pictures in a new post from the ski trip in 2001!

Rosemary said...

Oh, so THAT's what a sit ski looks like. I was trying to get you on two separate skis LOL. That sitting position sure doesn't look comfortable, though. Too much pressure on the tailbone to suit me!

The pictures helped a lot, and really show how much fun it must have been. I hope you did get to enjoy most of your trip, before the flu ruined it all.

PS. I've been picturing you as blond all this time - don't ask me why, 'cause I don't know why. LOL

Ruth said...

My trip was okay although we did not have enough snow to ski this year. It's such a great group of people that we still have fun - hiking, partying, etc. Picturing me as blond, eh? LOL Cool, maybe I'll fool everyone and give that a try sometime!