
Friday, December 29, 2006

"It Takes One" Via Wheelchair Junkie by Mark Smith

Mark Smith over at Wheelchair Junkie has written a New Year's article entitled "It Takes One". He writes about a young man whose wheelchair was stolen and was using a medical wheelchair which, as all of us in wheelchairs know, severely limits your mobility.

Mark makes the point that one person could have changed this situation by acting to help the young man get the wheelchair he needed. He emphasizes that we don't want to get caught up in the fallacy of "It takes a village" and avoid personal responsibility to help others. He writes:

"By any means, one tenacious individual could have helped restore the young man's mobility in a matter of days, not weeks or months. One inspired individual could have immediately taken action, fostering the young man's mobility and independence, rather than simply closing the newspaper, trusting that the community at large would address the issue."

Via Wheelchair Junkie

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