
Wednesday, October 4, 2006

I can't find the book "Spirituality for the Really Busy Quad"

I have been really busy lately. So I went looking for a book for a busy quad.

Can you believe no one has written one?

I found a book called Spirituality for the Really Busy but there was nothing in there about quads. I found all kinds of books telling me to keep things simple. I try to do that but I have so much accessible equipment that I'm not sure how to pull that off. What about the duct tape, the transfer boards, the voice recognition, reachers, typing aides, special forks, knives, spoons, and writing braces?

One book suggested going to a mountain top to pray. However, I think getting up there in my wheelchair having to be hauled by four smelly llamas and some irritable oxen might undo the spiritual benefits.

What's a quad to do?

I didn't give up my quest for the right book. I kept googling but it became yet another thing I had to do. I found a few tempting leads which left me hoping that I would find a book, at least, for busy paraplegics or busy paralyzed people - but none of those panned out. I made a few phone calls to friends with spinal cord injuries and asked them if they ever heard of such a book.

No, they all said. Why don't you write one?

Because that would make me even busier! That is definitely not the solution.

I decided finally to pray to God to guide me . I didn't want to have to make thirty phone calls with voice recognition that didn't work or type another name and number down missing the keys as someone went triple fast giving me information .

No, no , no - enough. My arms burn, my shoulders ache and my spirit is willing but the flesh is getting weak.

And then, after I prayed and went back to work, It happened. My prayer was answered. I spoke with a client who said to me "That's okay, it can wait until tomorrow."

Now there's wisdom for you. If you ever doubt that God speaks to us through others, all you have to do is start listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah there must be other busy quads! Or at least there could be a book Spirituality for the Really Busy wheelchair user.