
Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Gimp Parade's Saturday Slumgullion

As usual, Blue at The Gimp Parade has a wonderful selection of posts to read.

There is a beautifully moving post from the blog "the phat girl speaks" ,about her experience being humiliated on a bus recently:

"Dwarfism is the oldest recorded disability dating back to the bible, so you have all had long enough to get used to it. It shouldn’t come as a shock to you when I board your bus, or enter your shop or drink at your bar, just as it shouldn’t if I was black. Anthony Walker’s mother said after her son’s killing,
"This is absolutely terrible, we cannot change our colour."
How very sad a statement but understandable in such distress, for her son was the last person who needed to change. Just as I a women, a sister, a daughter and a person with a disability should never wish to be different. One should never assume that because you wouldn’t want to be that person, that they themselves are not happy.

And many years after Rose Parks sat down, so black people could stand up she said ‘she had gained strength to persevere in her work for freedom, not just for blacks but for all oppressed people.’

And she was right, her beliefs extended past her ‘own’ people she understood that the treatment she received was often received by many others both black and white, stating

"There comes a point where you say, No, I'm a full citizen, too. This is not the way I should be treated."

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