
Friday, July 28, 2006

St Giles, patron saint of disabled

St. Giles was born a wealthy nobleman who used his fortune to help the poor. He lived in a cave as a hermit for several years to avoid followers and to meditate. Legend claims that God sent a hind to provide him with milk as sustenance. A royal hunting party chased the hind into the cave and Giles was wounded in his leg, leaving him lame. The king visited him and sent doctors to care for him, but the wound never fully healed.

The French king built a monastery and Giles became its abbot. A small town eventually surrounded it. Since begging was the only income for many disabled people, Giles' patronage resulted in building hospitals and safe houses for the poor, lepers and disabled.

After Giles' death, his grave became a shrine and the monastery became a Benedictine house.

1 comment:

crystal77277 said...

This story is very beautiful!