
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Need a thumb?

OK so before you get too curious, this is really a thumb drive aka jump drive.

For a quadriplegic like myself who has no finger function, my first thought when I saw it was: what does it do? Is it a thumb I can plug into a USB outlet and wiggle? Will it push buttons for me? Have they finally invented a thumb I can plug into my laptop?

Unfortunately, although computers can really level the playing field for people with disabilities , we're still figuring out how to use robots and machines to replace nonworking body parts.

I used to dwell on what body parts didn't work. Then I realized that one solution was to remember that none of us are expected to be perfect. In fact, the gospels teach us that we are all one body and each of us is just a part of that body. I don't have to mourn the loss of my hands or legs - when I remember that I am just a part of a bigger whole.


Just as each of us has one body with many members, and not all the members have the same function, so too we, through many, are one body in Christ and individually members one of another. [Romans. 12: 4-6]


Anonymous said...

I thought this was a rubber chicken at first. I'm hoping they invent a maid I can put in my USB drive!

Anonymous said...

That's not my thumb. It has no nail polish on it. I wanted to say that your posts on kids were great.

Anonymous said...

Could that be adapted to use for a hitchiker? I like what you said about us being a part of a bigger whole. Makes me feel better about my parts that dont work so well.